27 July 2009


I know this blogging caper is supposed to include references to other blogs and content. And I also know that the lack of such content suggests I'm only interested in myself. It turns out that the suggestion is probably true - I'm one of the most openly self-centred people I know.

Which does not mean I do not read. I read lots. Like this article on 2+2 by Andrew Brokos about capped ranges that I think does a great job of communicating simple hand reading tips. Like everyone else, I'm a fan of Tommy Angelo and my favorite is his great article Reciprocality. I also think Ed Miller does a great job of writing clearly about topics of various levels of complexity (and his new e-book simply rocks). I have loved, like everyone else, reading Cardgrrl's well thought out, insightful and clearly written reflections while she attempts to live the dream.

I also read the news, various random articles on philosophy, the New Yorker from cover to cover each week and as many online dating profiles as I can. Does any of this make me a better player? I'm not sure. But it can't hurt.

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